any door, the issue is either way there is a problem, but which problem do you want to pick, this is the dilemma.

Life is like this. You can’t have both, you have to pick one or the other, and you have to try to figure out which is the lesser of the 2 evils, and you most likely will be wrong, whichever door you pick. There isn’t a door that goes back in time, there isn’t one with zero repercussions.
It’s always best to put oneself in such situations, but not everyone heads the good advice they have been given.
Now to pick a door. Knowing what is behind it, you won’t like, but here we are, the devil is behind you with pitchfork in hand saying pick a fucking door.
How one got themself into the situation in the first place, is a discussion for another day. Right now it’s all about picking a door.