Behind the wheel, version 2.0

A shorter version of an old post.

Men always shout “I want to be in charge!”

(moments later)

I want to be in charge!

Oh shit, this is too hard, baby you take the wheel, please?

Umm, please!

For the love of god, help!

So guys want to be in charge now, don’t they? They got force-fed too much 50 shades of grey and being men of course they missed the whole fucking point.

Swoooooosh…… that’s the meaning flying over their pretty little heads.

Being men, they aren’t entirely stupid, they did learn something from the book and or movie so here is a breakdown of the points they gathered from the book/movie:

The guy can make the rules.

The guy can do whatever one fucking wants.

The guy can inflict pain for fun.

The guy can be a crazy psycho and the girl will love him anyway.

The guy can get away with being an asshole.

Well, sorry to be the bearer of bad news and all that but….

Being dominant or being in control in a relationship is not exactly like the above.

You have to actually, know what the hell it is that you are doing.

Do you want to be the man? Do you want to be in charge?

Then you have to take on responsibility.

Got that word? Responsibility.

That means you get to be in charge but also have the responsibility and added stress of caring for someone else. You have to ensure the choices are the best for you both and steer the relationship properly, like a car.

So not into a lake or head first into a brick wall. Just as you would when driving a car you need to know what you are doing and pay fucking attention.

Oh and while we’re using car analogies, let me point out that if can be careful with your non-Lamborghini car, you can be careful with the woman who has put her trust in you, she is more valuable and harder to replace than any car.

Now why do guys want to be in control, and have all the benefits yet at the same time they have zero idea what they are doing and, more often than not they drive the relationship off a cliff? Not their fault of course they would say and aadly there aren’t insurance policies for such things.

Guys take a fictional story and think their mid to below mid not millionaire self can have what a fictional man in a movie has. Life doesn’t work that way.

When women do surrender control, men should be happy and grateful the sexy submissive girlfriend is saying “ok my darling” to their request.

That is an important word to remember, grateful. The man should be feeling gratitude for a woman giving her trust for him to lead the relationship.

Especially as it’s often not a model-looking billionaire we’re speaking of holding the custom leather whip.

When you are given someone’s trust, be grateful, don’t fuck it up. 

I will never understand why men feel it’s ok to play with someone’s feelings. It isn’t ok when anyone does this, it’s cruel, it’s sick and it may be more legal than beating the shit out of someone but the emotional pain triggers the same receptors in the brain.

Emotional pain is the same as physical pain. I can tell you, it can be worse than physical pain. And physical pain is easier to cope with, there is no mental fucking with physical pain.

Control is a gift, value this, and remember with power comes responsibility.

Power is not a gold card to be a selfish cunt.

And if you don’t know what you’re doing? Stay out of the fucking driver’s seat!

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