Welcome to my world!
*cue music*
Willkommen! And bienvenue! Welcome!
Fremder, étranger, stranger
Glücklich zu sehen
Je suis enchanté
Happy to see you
Bleibe, reste, stay
Ich bin eur confrencier!
Je suis votre compère
I am your host!
and I’m hot…
Leave your troubles outside
So life is disappointing, forget it!
In here life is fucking crazy!
And it’s all true…..
So how did we get here?
I was already writing a book about my dating adventures when I was encouraged to start a blog.
So being a good little girl, I did.
Crazy, hilarious and sometimes just damn bizarre encounters I have had while dating in Switzerland.
I’m still just a girl, who is looking for love.
Real love.
Ridiculous. Inconvenient. Consuming.
“Can’t live without each other” love.
follow me on twitter and instagram @sexandtheswiss
email me on sexandtheswiss@gmail